Scholen & Organisaties

Naar het overzicht

Middenschool Heilig Hartinstituut Bree

Als middenschool werken we in ons pedagogisch project rond 4 pijlers: 
* Onze middenschool een unieke plek
* Jouw groeikansen, onze zorg
* Een hart voor elk talent
* Haal het beste uit jezelf

Via ons uitgewerkt groeimodel, volledig geïntegreerd in onze werking, maken we onze slogan écht waar : 
"Een hart voor elk talent".
Interesse naar meer :

Wat doen jullie op het gebied van cognitieve begaafdheid?

Als Middenschool zijn we trots om bij de eerste drie European Talentpoints in België te mogen behoren.
We zijn blij dat we onze aanpak met jongeren met een cognitief sterk(er) vermogen kunnen delen met andere onderwijsverstrekkers.  Onder het motto : "Wie niet kan delen, kan niet vermenigvuldigen".
Want elk kind verdient de groeikansen om maximaal te kunnen schitteren!

As a school we believe that every pupil has certain capabilities or a potential. From our vision on education, the school supports the growth of this potential of every pupil to make them shine and to make sure they can deliver maximum achievements.

The potential of every pupil is unique and can be seen in many different fields such as the practical, the social, the artistic, the intellectual and the sporty.

To make sure that this potential transfers to visible achievements there has to be a sustainable growth process. This process is under the influence of many different factors. Personality and environmental factors can make a contribution to a positive and constant growth. On the other hand, these can also have a negative influence that can hold back or reduce growth.

Our school offers her pupils the support they need to deal with their qualities and chances, but also with challenges and obstacles. We offer the pupils the possibility to gain insight in their individuality and how personality factors and environment can influence their growth process. When the pupils have acquired this insight, they can make more substantiated choices and invest in the growth of their potential.

The support offered by our school to make a positive contribution to the growth of every pupil’s potential focuses on four domains.

  • Identification and recognition: Our school uses clear guidelines and tools to get an insight on the specific educational needs of every pupil.
  • Pedagogical and didactic support: This enables the school team to apply learning strategies that are most suited to a specific pupil to stimulate the pupils on the cognitive, communicative, creative, physical and moral field.
  • Differentiated approach: This allows the school team to respond to the individual (learning) needs of every pupil. By teaching in a challenging way, the school creates an environment where pupils can grow constantly.
  • Social and emotional support: As a school, we invest in student counseling to guarantee the social and emotional wellbeing of every pupil.

Our school wishes to offer maximum growth chances by teaching Activating, Breaking through the professions and in a Competence-orientated way. Only then can the unique potential of all pupils be converted to meaningful performances.

Type School
Type school Secundair onderwijs 1ste graad
Koepel school Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen
Plaats Bree
Adres Sint-Jacobstraat 10
Postcode 3960
Toegevoegd door Bart Schepens